Abych pravdu řekla, tahle část přihlášky mi dělala asi největší problém... Měla jsem napsaný pěkný úvod, ale nevěděla jsem, co dál. Jak už jsem psala v předchozím článku, nějaké věci jsem si googlila a naštěstí jsem narazila i na kompozici HF Letter, což mi hrozně moc pomohlo a nakonec má můj dopis přesně 1090 slov.
Nevím, zda mají host rodiny radši jednoduchost, ale chtěla jsem, aby alespoň v jedné části profilu bylo vidět, kdo doopravdy jsem. Osobně si nemyslím, že by to bylo na škodu. Ale pokud máte nějaké rady/připomínky do budoucna, tak sem s nimi!
- Who you are
- About your family (brothers and sisters)
- Hobbies/interests/likes/dislikes
- Why you want to be an Au Pair
- Child care experiences and personal stories
- How you can help your Host Family
- Things you’re looking forward to
- Future plans
Dear host family,
My name is Daniela Kutzendörferová and everybody calls me Dádís. I am 19 years old now (but will be 20 when I come to the USA). I live in a small town called Zdice in Central Bohemia which is halfway between Prague and Plzeň. At this time I am graduating from The Secondary School of Gastronomy and Hotel Industry Ltd. where I study hospitality. Since May 2015 I have been working at Foot Locker which was kind of my dream job because I love sneakers and sportswear.
I am a responsible, friendly, honest and open-minded person and if you ask my friends about my personality, they would probably say that I am positive, loving and I always try to be helpful.
My mom Michaela is going to be 40 years old this summer and as you could see in my photo album, she looks more like my sister, than my mother! She is a hard-working person, she is a full-time teacher in a kindergarten plus she makes custom cakes at home so I help her a lot with that.
My dad Martin is 42 years old and he is tall. The funny thing about my dad is that he never spoke English - until he found a good job in the Maldives in 2011. He became a site manager at the Velaa Private Island where there were only a few Czechs so he had to learn English pretty quickly so he could give orders to other builders. You should hear his Bangladeshi-Sri Lankan accent! He stayed there for 2 years but thanks to that we had the opportunity to spend 3 beautiful weeks in Sri Lanka with him and learn a lot about the culture from his friend.
My parents has been divorced since I was 1 year old, but it has it's advantages too - I have 4 siblings!
My brother Martin was born when I was 3 years old and is 17 now! We played a lot together - he helped me dressing up my Barbies and I played with Lego with him.
Julia, my 12 years old sister was born as our father's third child. She was the baby girl I waited for, but now is even taller than me!
So I had both brother and sister but I still felt as an only child because I stayed more at my mom's place.
It all has changed when I was 12 years old and my mom gave birth to a girl. Her name is Štěpánka and she is going to be 7 soon. It may be because I was older and I took care of her a lot, but she means the world for me.
The last, but not least is my brother Tomáš! He is 5 years old, cheerful boy with a little devil in his eyes. I think he is going to be a heart-breaker one day (in a good meaning).
I believe I will build as strong relationship with your little ones as I have with my brothers and sisters.
A lot of my free time is spent at the gym. I go there about 3 times a week depending on my school and work schedule. I am sometimes lazy to go, but it the best way to clean my head and I am always in a good mood when I leave. I would love to continue in working out in your local fitness center.
I think that every morning should start with a good breakfast and some positive music, because whenever I listen to music on my way to school I have a better day. I hope that I will have the opportunity to go to a concert of my favorite band or singer as they are mostly from America.
I prefer healthy lifestyle but I am a food lover too so I can not wait until I taste all of your specialties. I am addicted to sushi and my favorite dish is a mushroom cream with dumplings cooked by my great-grandma. Hopefully I learn how to cook it because I will definitely miss it and would like to show you how good Czech dishes can be!
I dislike maths and negative people.
I always wanted to go to the USA but the first time I thought about being an au pair in America was when our teacher told us about the program. The graduation was still far away so I did not think about it much.
It became a sure thing one and half year ago when I found a fan page that said ‚Mišule – Au pair v USA‘ and on the profile picture was a Czech girl with an American soldier so I had to find out more. I have read the two years of her life in one week on her blog and I was really into it.
That is why I am here.
I visit my mom at work often and I play with kids and help them with craft projects or drawing there. I started taking care of children when my sister Štěpánka was born. Since then I helped caring for children on every birthday party - I played group games with them and we danced together. I feel I have a strong connection with children because they always find me as the best choice for playing together. I have babysat my two boys Filip who is 8 years old and Matyáš who is 5 years old now. I am still taking care of 2 years old Christian as you can see in my references. We always have fun together.
I would love to become a part of your family. I will take the best care of your kids that I can. I will help you with cleaning and will teach your little ones how to do it on themselves. I will cook and I look forward to have a dinner together with you. I passed the driver's license course in December 2014 so I will of course get your kids wherever needed by car.
I want to stay in the USA for two years and I hope I find out what I want to do after my time as an au pair. I still have not decided if I want go to the college, continue in working at Foot Locker or try something new. A flight attendant maybe? Who knows what is written in the stars.
Thank you for reading my letter and luckily we talk to each other soon!
Yours Daniela
Když jsem šla přes agenturu, tak jsem taky musela psát Dear family letter. Tentokrát jsem si rodinu našla sama (bydlí v Londýně, odlétám tam na začátku září) a tak jsem žádný dopis psát nemusela. Tvůj dopis zní zajímavě, tak snad se brzy najde nějaká rodina, co tě bude chtít :-)
ReplyDeleteDo USA to jde jedine pres agenturu
DeleteMožná by to šlo i bez, ale to určitě by to bylo o moc těžší. Já bych ráda po roce nebo roce a půl v Londýně do Japonska nebo ještě lépe do Koreje a to taky budu muset pře nějakou agenturu (a nebo zůstat jenom tři měsíce, protože na tři měsíce a méně člověk vízum nepotřebuje).
DeleteJá jsem přemýšlela o USA, ale nemám řidičák a to je tam nutnost.
Do USA to legálně jde jen přes agenturu, ale jsou lidi, kterým to prochází ilegálně. To neschvaluji, může to být i dost nebezpečné. Řidičák je bohužel potřeba, ale zase se ti do života hodí - já si nedokáži představit, že bych ho neměla.
DeleteHodně štěstí, ať tě srdce potáhne kamkoliv!
Aha. Já myslela, že by třeba šlo získat vízum i bez agentury. Ilegálně bych nikdy nikam necestovala. Já mám z aut celkem strach. Nad řidičákem jsem přemýšlela, ale nakonec jsem se příliš bála. U nás v rodině auto ani řidičák nikdo nemá, takže autem jezdím je velmi výjimečně.
DeleteJá tobě taky přeju hodně štěstí a snad se ti v USA bude líbit. Určitě ti přeji ať narazíš na dobrou rodinu.
Ahoj, píšete dopis ručně nebo na PC a pak ho jen podepíšete? Díky za odpověď
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